
Illustration Portfolio
A few samples of work-for-hire



Day 11. The Drooling Imbecile. July 29. An old cartoon character whom I've revisited a few times. Droolie has no real powers, but always seems to accidentally save the day in monumentally stupid ways.




#ALittleArtEveryDay …  A pet project. The aim is 365 sketches, drawings, paintings, cartoons, photos, sculptures, etc. between July 19, 2016 and July 18, 2017. We’ll see how it goes. (update: Made it to 320… more on this as the paid work clears up toward the end of 2017.)

#48 Marilyn Monroe
Celeb Portraits was a 2013 drive to learn portraiture, which has led to illustration in a new arena, including caricature art and pet portraiture.