note: Technical difficulties with @wordpress. Links don’t necessarily go in the order I chose, but you will see them all. It’s apparently an ongoing problem (since at least 2014) that #wordpress has not yet fixed.
Commission: “I want Superman and Captain Marvel, middle-aged, sharing a stogie or something.”
Barack Obama. Caricature sample
Marilyn Monroe. Caricature sample
Playing with watercolors. These dopey superhero fruit pie ads were all over the place when I was a kid. And when I say “all over the place,” of course I mean in comic books, which was much of my formative world.
Here’s a video of it being painted
Work for hire: Client creating a Cookbook. Dragons in various moods to connect with mood-based recipes. This dragon is feeling guilty, and the recipe includes coffee. The client wanted the bird offering the donut as “hope,” as the dragon looked “too guilty.”
It was Fifty Years Ago Today: Caricature for hire
Ray Charles. Digital portrait (Sold)
Salvador Dali: Learning portraiture on the iPad.
Cher: Learning portraiture on the iPad.
Maya Angelou: Learning portraiture on the iPad.
Concept sketch for merchandise products for a theatrical “God the One-Man Show”
Work for hire: “We want to show how some people have always been resistant to new technology, despite it clearly being the next step into the future, but in an art style of that era.”
Commission: “Do you do pet portraits?”
Work for hire: “We want to show how some people have always been resistant to new technology, despite it clearly being the next step into the future.”
T Shirt design, for sale at festivals
T Shirt design, for sale at festivals